Lord of the Rings Locations
Lord of the Rings Locations
New Zealand's dramatic and diverse scenery was a compelling element in Peter Jackson successfully pitching his homeland as the location for the epic.'Tolkien's world was one of deep hidden valleys, barren wastelands, remote mystical mountains and lush, low valleys, and we found all these places throughout New Zealand.'
(Peter Jackson, Foreword, Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook, by Ian Brodie)
This website provides an overview to the locations that help make these special films - New Zealand's remarkable outdoors and its people. Please note that most Lord of the Rings set locations (eg: any actual buildings or sets constructed for filming) have long gone. In the few cases where they remain - access is often limited. You can, however, visit the stunning natural features that served as a backdrop for filming.
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The pivotal battle at Pelennor Field and scenes involving the Eastemnet Gullies were filmed on the spectacular Ben-Ohau high country sheep station located in the Mackenzie Basin, near Twizel. The farm is nestled at the foot of the Southern Alps in the South Island of New Zealand. Tours can be booked at the Twizel Information Centre.
Other useful links and articles

LOTR location guidebook
For more detailed information on the filming locations, pick up Ian Brodie's Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook (Harper Collins 2002, revised edition 2003) or Lonely Planet's Lord of the Rings New Zealand Guide Book. The revised edition of the Lord of the Rings Locations Guidebook contains new interviews with key cast and crew, new location photographs and movie images from the Return of the King, along with touring information, GPS references and local directions to filming sites. It can be ordered online at the link above, or from a local supplier or bookstore by quoting the ISBN code (1-86950-452-6) and HarperCollins NZ as the publisher.
Lord of the Rings Tours
For those interested in group travel there are a range of credible touring companies offering Lord of the Rings themed tours to New Zealand.
This site is maintained and updated by Jasons Travel Media, and is in no way affiliated with Tolkien Enterprises or the Tolkien Estate. We in no way claim the Lord of the Rings artwork or images displayed to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, articles, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. All images are sourced from various Newspapers and considered to be in the public domain.